Monday, November 23, 2009

What happened to giving thanks and turkey?

Since when did the Christmas season begin in early November? Every year it seems we start a little earlier putting up lights, trees and blow-up Santas. For some reason, this year it is really bothering me. I love the Christmas season, don't get me wrong, but we seem to forget that there is a holiday inbetween Halloween and Christmas and it too is very important, at least to me it is.

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and a time for reflection before the Christmas season. A time to remember and prepare for the coming joy that is Christ's birth. In our busy lives, we often forget to give thanks. We many say a blessing at dinnertime, but has that just become routine? Are we really thankful for our many blessings and our food and the fact that we are fed by HIS hands? Take time this Thanksgiving week to remember and give thanks where thanks is due. Thank God for your many blessings, but just don't bulk them into a 5 line prayer before a meal. Sit down with God, talk to Him and thank Him for specific blessings. Spend a little extra time with the Father, for He is the provider, Jehovah Jireh, and without Him, there would be nothing worth celebrating this holiday season.

What are you Thankful for?

Friday, November 13, 2009

OK, I'm Back

Blog attempt #3...I know, I know, I have said I was going to begin blogging again several times, but this time I am promising myself that I will keep this up. I have to do this for me! I have got to have a way of release, a way to express what is going on with me. My blog has to be that for me right now. I know what I say at times may not make a bit of sense, but just bear with me. I have much to say, but no one to share the deep details with, so I am releasing it to the world in whatever way I can. Crazy, maybe...but I hope a way for me to get out of this pit I am in and back to the real me. She is so lost and I have got to pull her out somehow. Please pray with me and for me, as I need it more than ever. I have to once again find the hope.

There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Psalm 23:18